"I use my mobile UCard all the time – like other faculty, staff and students, I am never without my phone. UNB is very pleased to be the first university in Canada to deploy it, and to offer this service on the most popular mobile wallet platforms."
Terry Nikkel
Associate Vice President, Information Technology Services, University of New Brunswick
First Canadian institution to
implement Transact's mobile
campus ID solution
Students, faculty and staff on the University of New Brunswick’s Fredericton campus benefit from the use of Transact Mobile Credential on iPhone, Apple Watch and Android phones.
Safe, convenient, and highly
secure mobile transactions
At UNB, mobile UCards are protected by multi-factor authentication to ensure only the student can access their account, even if someone else has gotten their password.
Creating a safer, more
cost-effective, and
more environmentally
friendly process
UNB can issue mobile UCards remotely without the need to see students in-person or print physical cards.
As a leader in deploying technology that is convenient and easy to use, UNB wanted a mobile ID solution that directly aligned with their mission of simplifying the community environment, while modernizing transaction processing and enabling a connected campus experience.
With Transact Mobile Credential, UNB is able to enhance door access and contactless payment capabilities by putting IDs on the smartphones of students, faculty, and staff. The adoption of the technology supports UNB’s values of innovation, environmental sustainability, and engagement.
Transactions Facilitated
40Years In Business
12M+ Customers Served Annually