In a world where technology is king, leveraging it to improve campus safety is critical. Effortlessly handle your institution's door access and security solution with a safe and mobile-friendly campus experience made for higher education.
GET AN ASSESSMENTYour current door access and security solution may cover essential functions found in general commercial systems. Still, these systems are built as one-size-fits-all and don't meet the specific requirements and needs of the education community.
Students can use their phones to enter dorms and buildings, while administrators can track and control access rights.
In an emergency, campuses with an integrated security solution and mobile student IDs allow administrators to remotely lock down any connected building on campus—from a desktop or mobile device. With transaction and access data, administrators can keep students safe by locating those in danger or who may pose a threat.
With effortless security and door access control, daily life on a Transact-powered campus is more accessible, safe, and convenient.
Integrate with your student information system (SIS), transaction system, housing information system, and credentials, making managing it easier and more efficient.
There's no need to make changes to various systems manually. Our solution works together through modern integration.
We are the only card vendor that offers tier 1 S2 support.
"Our campus was only interested in a product that would allow our university's Lion Card to communicate seamlessly in real-time and record the data needed."
Jennifer Perry, Manager & Records Retention Officer TAMUC Auxiliary Services
Create a safe, secure campus with a versatile, sophisticated, and user-friendly door-access system. Let in those who need entry—keep out those who don't.
Reach out to start the conversation on how you can create a unified enterprise security solution and get an assessment of your campus's unique needs.